Body Acceptance School Programs

Body image affects self-confidence, physical and mental health, and our ability to feel at ease in social situations. Let's give our kids the tools they need to thrive.

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Change the way your school sees body image.

For Educators:

Debbie's program equips educators to create a supportive, body-neutral environment through workshops, workbooks, and lessons. Teachers learn how cultural body bias impacts students and how a Body Neutral approach can reduce the risk of eating disorders and body image issues. Debbie helps educators identify and transform non-neutral health messages into teachable moments and integrate Body Neutrality into existing curricula, enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Create a space where students learn they don't have to like how they look to love their bodies.

Part I: A Body Neutral Classroom

Did you know that most negative body talks starts as early as age 6? What if your kids scrutinized their body the way you scrutinize yours? In this 90 minute workshop, your teachers will learn the way cultural body bias might be impacting their students, and teaching health from a Body Neutral lens can drastically lower the risk of eating disorders and body image issues in your student body. What that means... they'll learn they don't have to like the way they look to love their body. 

What We'll Cover:

  • What Body Neutrality is
  • What “being healthy” really means
  • How Body Neutrality promotes health for all students
  • Ways to make your classroom environment more neutral in it’s approach to health

Part II: A Body Neutral Classroom: Work Through & Workbook

Ok, so you understand what body neutrality is... now what? There are non neutral health messages everywhere you look. But your classroom doesn’t have to reinforce the non neutral messaging your students will literally get everywhere else. In fact, your classroom can be the place where your students start to question if the non-neutral health information they’re finding, actually works for them. 

In this 90 minute workshop and accompanying workbook, your educators will learn how to identify the non neutral health messaging that already resides in their classroom, and turn those messages into a conversation and teachable moment.

What We'll Cover:

  • How Body Neutral messaging is different that Body Positive messaging. 
  • Where body bias may be hiding in your classroom
  • What it means to have a Neutral classroom
  • Tools for neutralizing the messages your students face daily

Part III: Lessons

Your teachers have already created a curriculum that works with their teaching style. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel. Through these simple lessons, you’ll learn how to add Body Neutrality to your already existing class program.  

What We'll Cover:

  • How Body Neutrality is a pathway to teaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Body Neutrality in physical education
  • Body Neutrality in science education
  • Body Neutrality in literature

For Students:

In this optional add-on 45-minute workshop, students will learn a body-neutral approach to self-care. They will discover that they don't have to like the way they look to love their bodies. The workshop covers how to identify body bias, provides actionable tools for handling body talk in real time, and offers a game plan for fostering a more peaceful relationship with their bodies. Students will also learn body-neutral language to help them speak differently about bodies. This add-on provides essential support to help students develop their own tools for a healthier self-image.

Workshop: Making Peace with Your Body

What if your kids scrutinized their body the way you scrutinize yours? In this 45 minute workshop, your kids will learn a body neutral approach to self care. What that means... they'll learn they don't have to like the way they look to love their body.

What We'll Cover:

  • Defining and learning to identify body bias
  • Actionable tools students can use in real time when triggered by body talk
  • A game plan for moving forward with a more peaceful relationship with your body
  • A breakdown of body neutral language to help students speak differently about bodies

For Educators:

Debbie's program equips educators to create a supportive, body-neutral environment through workshops, workbooks, and lessons. Teachers learn how cultural body bias impacts students and how a Body Neutral approach can reduce the risk of eating disorders and body image issues. Debbie helps educators identify and transform non-neutral health messages into teachable moments and integrate Body Neutrality into existing curricula, enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Create a space where students learn they don't have to like how they look to love their bodies.

Part I: A Body Neutral Classroom

Did you know that most negative body talks starts as early as age 6? What if your kids scrutinized their body the way you scrutinize yours? In this 90 minute workshop, your teachers will learn the way cultural body bias might be impacting their students, and teaching health from a Body Neutral lens can drastically lower the risk of eating disorders and body image issues in your student body. What that means... they'll learn they don't have to like the way they look to love their body. 

What We'll Cover:

  • What Body Neutrality is
  • What “being healthy” really means
  • How Body Neutrality promotes health for all students
  • Ways to make your classroom environment more neutral in it’s approach to health

Part II: A Body Neutral Classroom: Work Through & Workbook

Ok, so you understand what body neutrality is... now what? There are non neutral health messages everywhere you look. But your classroom doesn’t have to reinforce the non neutral messaging your students will literally get everywhere else. In fact, your classroom can be the place where your students start to question if the non-neutral health information they’re finding, actually works for them. 

In this 90 minute workshop and accompanying workbook, your educators will learn how to identify the non neutral health messaging that already resides in their classroom, and turn those messages into a conversation and teachable moment.

Part III: A Body Neutral Classroom | Lessons

Your teachers have already created a curriculum that works with their teaching style. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel. Through these simple lessons, you’ll learn how to add Body Neutrality to your already existing class program. 

What We'll Cover:

  • How Body Neutrality is a pathway to teaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Body Neutrality in physical education
  • Body Neutrality in science education
  • Body Neutrality in literature

For Students:

In this optional add-on 45-minute workshop, students will learn a body-neutral approach to self-care. They will discover that they don't have to like the way they look to love their bodies. The workshop covers how to identify body bias, provides actionable tools for handling body talk in real time, and offers a game plan for fostering a more peaceful relationship with their bodies. Students will also learn body-neutral language to help them speak differently about bodies. This add-on provides essential support to help students develop their own tools for a healthier self-image.

Workshop: Making Peace with Your Body

What if your kids scrutinized their body the way you scrutinize yours? In this 45 minute workshop, your kids will learn a body neutral approach to self care. What that means... they'll learn they don't have to like the way they look to love their body.

What We'll Cover:

  • Defining and learning to identify body bias
  • Actionable tools students can use in real time when triggered by body talk
  • A game plan for moving forward with a more peaceful relationship with your body
  • A breakdown of body neutral language to help students speak differently about bodies

An eating disorder awareness curriculum... 

By middle school 40-70% of girls are dissatisfied with 2 or more parts of their body.

Bullying about body size and appearance is the most common form of bullying in schools.

Nearly 1/3 of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting & taking laxatives.

An eating disorder awareness curriculum... 

By middle school 40-70% of girls are dissatisfied with 2 or more parts of their body.

Bullying about body size and appearance is the most common form of bullying in schools.

Nearly 1/3 of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such
as skipping meals, fasting,
and taking laxatives.

"I teach you to love your body, even if you don't always like it."

Being healthy is understanding your needs physically, emotionally and mentally, in this moment, and providing it.

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Being healthy looks different for everyone, at different times.

Give your students the tools to advocate for and support themselves. 

Here's what people are saying...

"This would have changed my life as a 13/14 year old and being in the body I had."

-Goli Sabet, parent

"Debbie's workshop offers a thorough exploration of body neutrality, fostering understanding while prompting us to reflect on the potentially harmful messages we convey to our students. Her expertise and genuine passion shine through, making her an invaluable resource. The materials she provides are exceptional, serving as a poignant reminder of our inherent biases. As a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I found this workshop to be a valuable gift and strongly encourage all my colleagues to participate."

- Raúl González, Director of DEI

"I'm so happy that I'm going to be able to break the diet culture cycle with my kids. I can't thank you enough!"

- Tess DeWeerd, educator

Debbie Saroufim is a Body Acceptance Coach

Debbie was introduced to the idea of “good” and “bad” bodies by her mother, who struggled with an eating disorder, and by her tweens, Debbie had also developed one.

After years of recovery and boundless personal growth, Debbie now works with women, teens, and tweens to help them make peace with their body, and build up their immunity to diet culture.

Debbie also had the privilege of working with Science and Physical Education departments to help create a Body Neutral Curriculum.

Schedule Your School Consult

Debbie Saroufim is a Body Acceptance Coach

Debbie was introduced to the idea of “good” and “bad” bodies by her mother, who struggled with an eating disorder, and by her tweens, Debbie had also developed one.

After years of recovery and boundless personal growth, Debbie now works with women, teens, and tweens to help them make peace with their body, and build up their immunity to diet culture.

Debbie also had the privilege of working with Science and Physical Education departments to help create a Body Neutral Curriculum.

Schedule Your School Consult

Give your school the power of Body Neutrality.

In addition to these workshops, I'm happy to spend 1:1 time with any faculty member who has questions, or would like to discuss body neutrality further.