Your Group Coaching Experience Includes:
- Community: You’ll meet women of all sizes who feel exactly the same way you do, reinforcing that the problem isn’t your body, but Diet Culture. This is your safe space to go for help, ask for support, and connection.Â
- Group Coaching Sessions: Zoom meetings every other week, where you can normalize the conversation you’re learning to have with your body.
- Movement Exploration Classes: Three virtual classes per week where we’ll explore your relationship with exercise, shame, guilt, and joy. We’ll find what your, personal joyful movement looks like, and build up your confidence in honoring your body’s physical needs.
- Class Recordings: Access to both group coaching and movement class recordings.
- Body Acceptance Core Curriculum and Workbook: You’ll have lessons you can work through at your own place, and take with you everywhere.
Only $97

You don't need another picture-perfect Instagram model to make you feel like even more of a mere mortal.
You don't want to go on the ups and downs of yet ANOTHER diet plan.
You are tired of calling zucchini strips noodles, or shredded cauliflower rice!
You’re Here Because:
- You want a space safe from the toxic messaging the media sends you about your body.
- You ache for a community that celebrates your uniqueness, rather than urges you to conform to their standards.
- You want to feel safe and well taken care of, and you want to know that there is ALWAYS someone there when you need support.
Your body was never the problem. So let’s stop trying to “fix” it.
In this community you’ll learn to identify what’s really broken, and then be given the tools to tend to what’s actually hurting. We’ll learn how to change the negative self-talk that naturally happens in your head, how to ask yourself the questions to move beyond the daily triggers and cultural affirmations that “smaller is better” and that your body isn’t already enough. Through love, support and challenging our comfort levels, we will learn how to better care for ourselves, and have a neutral relationship with our bodies, because — truly — they are the least interesting thing about us.Â
I always thought I was supposed to love my body. And for the longest time, I thought that meant I had to “fix” it, to turn it into the smallest version it could be.Â
Now I realize that my body is not indicative of my value as a human. And that loving it can even look like hating parts of it.Â

From a young age, I was terrified of having a bad body. My mother, with the best intentions - but a very specific idea of what a good body is, wanted so badly for me to be happy with my body that she put me on a diet - when I was in the first grade. This was the beginning of a tumultuous relationship with food that evolved into an eating disorder.Â
Even after seeking treatment, I didn’t know how to love myself. I continued hating my body into my twenties, and even into my thirties. I kept thinking that if I could just do life “right” my body would comply. And so as I worked on one “flaw” I noticed another.
Our culture moralizes health, perpetuates the myth that “health” looks a specific way, and sets us up to forever judge ourselves and others accordingly. Sadly, our culture does marginalize certain body types. But the good news, (at least there is some good news) is that I no longer believe that my body tells the world anything about me.
The first step to healing was identifying the body bias and diet culture that lived within me. And then, I learned how to hold that space for that part of me with compassion, while I built up my immunity to the world we all live in.Â
This space is a place for women to learn why body image has nothing to do with how their body looks. It’s a space to safely identify where they’re getting caught up in the diet-cultural traps our society burdens us with, and find true body liberation and freedom, regardless of size.

You Are Invited to Join Us in the Body Acceptance Group Coaching Community!
This coaching community is for anyone (of any size) who’s tired of fighting their body to be “smaller.” This community is a space where you’ll learn how to love your now body, while grieving the previous versions of yourself, and letting go of the diet culture body you wish you had.
Go from failing at Body Positivity to thriving at Body Neutrality.
Make peace with food once and for all.
Stop torturing yourself with exercise, and find the movement that best serves your body and brings you joy.
Build up your immunity to the toxic messaging that surrounds us.

What You Get Each Month:
- Community: You’ll meet women of all sizes who feel exactly the same way you do, reinforcing that the problem isn’t your body, but Diet Culture. This is your safe space to go for help, ask for support, and connection.Â
- Group Coaching Sessions: Zoom meetings every other week, where you can normalize the conversation you’re learning to have with your body.
- Movement Exploration Classes: Three virtual classes per week where we’ll explore your relationship with exercise, shame, guilt, and joy. We’ll find what your, personal joyful movement looks like, and build up your confidence in honoring your body’s physical needs.
- Class Recordings: Access to both group coaching and movement class recordings.
- Body Acceptance Core Curriculum and Workbook: You’ll have lessons you can work through at your own place, and take with you everywhere.
Only $97

Apply to Be Part of Our Community!Â
Why an application? This is an intimate space, and one where you’ll be doing important work. We want to ensure that everyone who joins respects the space we’ve created. Your safety is our priority.Â
I'm So Ready!
Your diet culture immunity takes a minimum of 6 months to reach full effectiveness. This is not work we can hit fast forward on. It takes time, practice, and discomfort to challenge the societal norms. if after 6 months you are not starting to see yourself differently, you may cancel at any time.Â
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if this is right for me?
Will I be safe in this community?
I have food allergies/intolerances, can I still join?
How much exercise is involved?
What topics will be covered in the membership?
If I can’t make it to a call, is there a recording I can watch?
Does Debbie offer 1:1 coaching in the group?
How do I contact support for more questions?
Apply to Be Part of Our Community!Â
This is an intimate space, and one where you’ll be doing hard work. An application helps to ensure that everyone who joins respects the space we’ve created. Your safety is our priority.
I'm So Ready!